Friday, October 9, 2009

NannyMall opens Nanny support meetings to all Nannies!

NannyMall is announcing it's next Nanny Support Meeting! It will take place on November 14th at Kaldis Coffeehouse in Chesterfield Valley from 10am to Noon.

The reason why we are announcing it so soon is because we are opening it up to Nannies from other Agencies and to independent Nannies and want to give them plenty of time to find out about it!

Human contact seems to have taken a back seat in this day and age of technology so the importance of having a meeting where Nannies can get together and share their stories is, in my opinion, very much needed!

No one knows but another Nanny what it takes on a daily basis to be a Professional Nanny, so what better place to meet with Nannies that understand than at a tailored support group?
Here you will possibly connect with old friends, meet new friends and for sure leave with a sense of "belonging."

So if you are a NannyMall Nanny and happen to know Independent Nannies or Nannies from other Agencies, please invite them! The more the merrier!

We will post an addition to this as more details are solidified.

Hope to see you there!, here is where YOU are valued!