Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Household Employee Hiring Trend is Emerging

When new clients call in and relay criteria they wish to have met within the Nanny they will be employing, what we're seeing is the beginning of a new trend.

Our observation: Up until 6-9 months ago, Families that employed Nannies would generally also employ a Household Manager and a Housekeeper. The hiring of 3 individuals is now morphing into one position, which NannyMall nick-named, "the Gold Star Nanny." (affectionately named after the gold star we received in school as children for going above and beyond what the teacher had asked of us)

Gold Star Nanny is asked to do a variety of duties, first and foremost, tend the children. But what was out of the question for additional duties before is now definitely required.

Looking back at our last 10 placements, 8 of them required/hired a Gold Star Nanny.

Families are looking for the well qualified, educated Nanny but also for the Nanny that doesn't mind cleaning the bathrooms and picking up the family dry cleaning. These Gold Star Nannies were few and far between but as the Families desires have changed, so has the Nanny's understanding. They realize in order to get into a long term position, they have to be willing to take on extra responsibilities.

As we talk with Families about their requirements, we let them know they are pioneers of the new household employee hiring trend and that while morphing the positions together is totally acceptable, they also need to keep in mind that while they save from having one individual do all three jobs, they should also expect to pay a higher salary for Gold Star Nanny.

To learn more about the changes in the industry or to hire your Gold Star Nanny, please contact us, we'll be happy to speak with you!

St. Louis' childcare referral agency, NannyMall.com